martes, 20 de octubre de 2015

Lesson 5

This lesson was taught again by the first group, remember teachers Eunice, Tomas, Bryan, William and Eduardo. My expectation for this lesson were high, I really wanted this group to show something different this time and I was expecting them to give their best, but there were some external factors that make it different from my expectations.
Even if in the class were two students, they presented as normal, they begin with the hello song as usual.
This group did their best effort, however there were some details which could be improve in their last lesson. First thing that every  teacher should remember to do, is to start the class with enthusiasm and positivism, so they can transmit that to their students, and make them feel comfortable and part of the class, and make them feel eager to participate.
Second aspect to provide a comfortable environment for the students,  is the material. Las time they got material, but they were small, this time they lack of material, they have few material. Something important when we are working with visual aids for  kids, is that they must be catching, they need to have appropriate size and colors. Some of the material they had were dark color.

Something I really like of this group, were the last two activities they did. They did a matching game in order to name some objects like: lamp, refrigerator, phone, etc. and the x game, it was really fun and really interesting to see how students were enjoying this game.

I learn from this group to always have a back up plan. We need to have something else in case something is not working and specially with kids that they are visual learners.

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