miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2015


This course ends, and I am happy, not because it ends, but because it taught me valuable things. I  may say that one of my favorites things I learn and study was the theories that we read from the first period, game me hints in order to know what and how to do things. One of the theory that help me a lot in this course was, the cognitive theory by Jean Piaget, it gave me clues to know  were my students were at and what they were able to do and perform.

During the first class we taught, I was nervous and shy, but since the students were very friendly and some of them talkative, they made me feel comfortable and I enjoyed the experience. From that first class, I learn how important is to connect and to establish a relationship with our students, because if we make them feel comfortable, they will transmit us the same energy.

The second class, I was more confident on what I was going to do, specially because I knew that students were  trusting in me, and they were enjoying what we were teaching them. And it was a good lesson for me, it taught me something really important, I have fought about it, but been there in the place living that experience made it more meaningful and remarkable. At the moment that we have our students and they are eager to participate, we need to let them feel free and continue, even if we ask them for a command and they want to say a complete statement, we need to let them express themselves, because that will make them feel they are doing great and they will feel proud, as I was that day, when I experience it.

The third lesson, it was the most challenging one, but I enjoyed it, it was very import an to have a challenge like this one, because if not, we might have thought that teaching children might have been easy, but since we had this experience, we know that there are going to be tough times, and there are going to be  peaceful times. This lesson in specific made me realize that when things are difficult and it seem theres no solution for it, make it simple will help us to know what to do, specially if we want the lesson be relevant and have great result for our students.

To end up with this reflection, I might say that one of the things I enjoyed the most was, being able to choose the activities and prepare the materials very catching. I feel very satisfied because even if we had hard times, they were paid at the end. Having our students remember and answering what we taught, when they were asked, was something really rewarding. Someone told me once that when a teacher love teaching, they teach children to love learning, and now I do believe it.

       "When words are both, true and kind, they change the world." -Buddha

martes, 17 de noviembre de 2015

Lesson 11

This was our third and final lesson. We had high expectations for it. We worked really hard because we wanted to end up with great result.

To star with our lesson, after singing our opening hello song, we had our warm up by teacher Yenifer, this time she  did two activities.

The first one was a song, it purpose was to students get familiar with the topic the song was about the time and it include vocabulary like: what time is it? 1 o'clock, 2'oclock and so on, students and teacher were doing some  mimics while the song was on.

The second activity was about to form a clock. Teacher Yenifer gave some number to the students so they, students and teacher, can form a clock.

After having that, teacher Wanda started to present the vocabulary that was some daily routines like: get up, eat lunch, do the homework, and go to bed. She made emphasis on the pronunciation of the words. She also made use of a big clock that was pasted on the wall, to present exact hours such as  7 o'clock, 11 o'clock. She present the question "What time is it?" and the answer: " It is 7:00 o'clock, time to get up." In order to student get the vocabulary, the pronunciation, and the structure, they were asked to repeat, question and answer. Teacher and students were taking turns to ask and answer.

During the listening time, teacher Deyanira did two activities.
The first activity was a lottery game, where students were asked to work individually, there worked in a worksheet. The teacher was saying some commands, and when the students listen to the command , they will have to put up a bean in the corresponding space, until get all the images with beans.

The second activity, students were working in pairs, each pair received some pieces of paper, one that has the question: "What time is it?", and two more that were daily routines. Students were asked to ask and answer with their classmate. They had some time to work by themselves, father that teacher Deyanira, pass each pair to the front and they were doing the exact same thing, the y were taking turns to ask and to answer.

It is time for the post listening, and this time Teacher Luis  did two activities.
The first was a memory game. Students worked individually and they were asked to take turns and pass to the front to find two equal images, when they found it, they were asked to say what they found, for example, "Get up".

For the second activity, Students were passing a toy and when they hear the word "stop" the one that has it, had to pass to the front. When they get there a daily routine was given and they had to put the hour in the big clock and then, he or she, was asked by the teacher and the rest of the classmates: "What time is it?" then he or she had to answer the daily routine he was given and the hour he marked .

For the wrap up, I played with the students, Simon says. I say commands like: Touch go to bed, or, touch 7 o'clock. The purpose of this activity was just to reinforce and make them remember al the hours and the daily routines. 

For me, this was the most challenging lesson we had to teach. We made up 3 times the lesson plan, because we were not convinced in some activities, and in some specific vocabulary. But at the end, we decided to make it simple but relevant for the student, and that is why we just present some four basic daily routines with exact hours. 
This taught me that even if the topic we had to develop seems the most difficult, when we make it simple, think like students, and make it relevant, we can end up with great results.